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Unique style promotion for Second Hand.

Second Hand is an upcoming telugu featured film which was directed by Kishore Tirumala , produced by poorna naidu & BVS Ravi .Today the movie unit has released one of the video song from the film i.e; Subbarao . It has some special attractions that the total song was just shot in single shot with in the time span of 10 hours only .Vijay has choreographed this song , Avan handled the camera , music composed by RaviChandra .

For promoting this video song in unique style they added some celebrities bytes to it . Harish Shankar , Samantha , Allu Arjun , puri Jagannadh , Bandla Ganesh , Bhaskara batla , Chota K Naidu bytes were added to it which helps in reaching more audience .The movie is grearinng up for its release soon .

  • watch the official video song (HD) here :