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’1′ to lock horns with ‘AD’



Powerstar Pawan Kalyan’s ‘Attharintiki Daaredhi’ has proven the stamina of Telugu cinema. The film had a shower of collections right from the outset. Tarak’s Ramayya Vastavayya was supposed to give a stiff competition to AD, but that did not go down well. The next contender for AD’s top spot, is Mahesh‘s ‘1-Nenokkadine‘.


“1-Nenokkadine”, being helmed by Sukumar for Mahesh under the 14 reels entertainment banner is being tipped as a groundbreaking film which will take Telugu cinema in a new direction. The action sequences that have been shot have reportedly been done so with Hollywood parameters. Coming to the commercial aspect, Mahesh’s ’1′, is going to be released in a lot more theaters than usual. Taking into account Mahesh’s large overseas market potential, “1-Nenokkadine” is reportedly releasing in over 200 screens overseas. This is a record for Telugu films. This strategy will allow “1″ to comfortably scoop up nearly 40-cr on the opening day itself.  The movies audio is all set to be released on December 10th.